
 Hello everyone! While I enjoyed reading books in this class and writing weekly blog posts, I am excited to be finishing up with all the work it required. I have definitely never taken a course quite like this before, but I think ultimately I enjoyed it. 

Overall, I liked the books chosen that we had to read. My biggest pet peeve in literature based courses is when I don't find the readings interesting and I feel like when dissecting them we are kind of making stuff up out of nothing, but I felt like we were never doing that in this course. All of the books had depth and fostered discussions that I really enjoyed. I also think having the blog posts every week really made me interact with the readings more as there was that requirement to write 400-500 words about them. I have in other classes, sacrificed doing readings as I had other assignments due, so the blog post requirement helped motivate me to finish reading the books. 

That being said, I definitely enjoyed reading some books more than others. A few of my favourite books or books I thought were the most interesting were The Book of Chameleons by José Eduardo Agualusa, The Time of the Doves by Mercè Rodoreda, and The Lover by Marguerite Duras. Two of my least favourite books that I had trouble getting through were Money to Burn by Ricardo Piglia and"Combray" by Marcel Proust. While I did not enjoy all of the books, I think I learned something from all of them in the history of places I did not know much about before now, for example the themes of the Spanish Civil War in The Time of the Doves.

I think one of my favourite things about this course is that it pushed me to read outside of my comfort zone, books that I would never pick up on my own, and books that I may not have known about had I not taken this course. I am even finding myself intrigued with a few of the books that I did not get the chance to read. For example, one of the most intriguing books to me that I didn't get the chance to read is Death with Interruptions by José Saramago.  

Looking back at my introductory blog post I did not write out any goals, but I think I wanted to just keep to my contract and read all of the books required and I achieved that!

My question for this week is: What was your favourite or least favourite book, and why?


  1. "Money to Burn" is my least favourite book because the plot was MID to me, the characters were all over the place, and the amount of vulgarity in the words was... gross. HORRIBLE actually.
    - Adia Latifi

  2. It's normal that some books would stick with you more than others and you did a great hob at explaining why. Thanks for sharing with us the things that worked best for you, we always appreciate the feedback!



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